Ok, so you might want to know the details to actually achieve a FIDE rating.
You have to play 9 rated FIDE players.
The 9 games are divided into 3 groupings of 3 games. None of the games you play will count until you achieve AT LEAST 1 point in your first grouping of 3 games. Then in the next grouping of 3 games you need to score 1/2 point. In the third and final set of 3 games you need only score 1/2 point again. For example, I played 2 FIDE rated tournaments. The first tournament I did not get 3 FIDE rated players. No rating norm. The second tournament I got 4 FIDE rated opponents, but only scored 1/2 /4. No rating norm. In my third FIDE tournament I FINALLY scored 1 1/2/5 FIDE rated games. I now have 5 FIDE rated games because I scored the norm. Now I need 4 more FIDE rated games. With the next set of 3 games I play, I need only to score 1/2 point. THEN, I get a FIDE rating! Here's another way you could achieve your FIDE rating. You play in an event with 9 FIDE rated players. You score 2/9. The requirements are 1 point, then 1/2 and then one last 1/2 or 2 total. In that one tournament, you achieved the requirements you need. Sounds confusing? It can be. If you want more details, go to the FIDE website where it all becomes as clear as milk. Good Hunting!
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